I get a lot of funny looks when I mention boudoir photography. Most people are a bit confused and unclear on what this type of photography entails. EHow defines boudoir as, "always related to the bedroom and is regarded as a private space. It has been used to referred to a dressing room, a traditional bedroom, or a sitting room within a bedroom." So what are boudoir photography sessions then?
These sessions are all about you and your sensuality. This does not necessarily mean you must have photos taken in the nude or in lingerie. It could mean that cute outfit you absolutely love; maybe it is a little black cocktail dress, or even a great pair of jeans and t-shirt. It is whatever defines sexy to you. We feel every woman should have a day to feel special and flaunt her curves. What better way to show that off than fabulous photos of you! Some come in to mark a special occasion while others just want to remember how sexy they are at this point in their lives. No matter what the reason, everyone leaves with a fresh perspective on themselves.
So pick out that sexy dress you bought that you never had an occasion to wear, a killer pair of heels, that piece of lingerie that makes you feel like a woman and come see us at Beautiful You Boudoir Photography!
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